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Codeforces Round 736 (Div. 2 & 1) [CF-1549 & CF-1548]

A - Gregor and Cryptography Gregor is learning about RSA cryptography, and although he doesn't understand how RSA works, he is now fascinated with prime numbers and factoring them. Gregor's favori...

Educational Codeforces Round 112 (Rated for Div. 2) [CF-1555]

A - PizzaForces PizzaForces is Petya's favorite pizzeria. PizzaForces makes and sells pizzas of three sizes: small pizzas consist of slices, medium ones consist of slices, and large pizzas consi...

Codeforces Global Round 15 [CF - 1552]

A - Subsequence Permutation A string of length , consisting of lowercase letters of the English alphabet, is given. You must choose some number between and . Then, you select characters of an...

Codeforces Round 734 (Div. 3) [CF-1551]

B1 - Wonderful Coloring - 1 This is a simplified version of the problem B2. Perhaps you should read the problem B2 before you start solving B1. Paul and Mary have a favorite string which consists...

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